Entrecard seems to have fixed whatever it was that was ailing it, and now I am able to drop cards again. I wanted to thank everyone who regularly dropped their cards on me, even though I couldn't drop back for about a week.
I was really getting frustrated with Entrecard, because Whenever I tried to load a page, it would take forever to load or give me an error message telling me that the site was unavailable. Besides that, if I did get a page to load, and tried to drop my card, sometimes it would go through after about 5 minutes or it would say "invalid". It was really, really aggrivating!
But it seems to be working a lot better now. The pages are loading quicker, and I was able to drop some cards tonight......definately no where near 300, but some.
Again, thanks to all of you who continued to drop on me in my downtime! I really appreciate it!
Same with me! I can drop again.
Have a great weekend.
Take Care,
Janet :)
It was doing this to lots of folks. I'm glad you are back in business. :)