But I am trying to come back..
Go over to my other blog Candles, Crafts and Whatnot to read the story.....you can get filled in over there!!
Take care,
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One of my dearest friends lives in Phoenix Arizona, and she is like me where she never complains about how hot it is!! We always got along well, because we seemed to always be cold.
Anyway, she called me a few weeks ago to say that her car had just died and she didn't know how on earth she would be able to get another one. She would have to be looking for Used Cars, and pretty quickly, too! You see, her ex-husband had ruined her credit pretty badly during their marriage, and after the marriage ended, she found out that all the cards they held jointly, put her in a credit shambles. She seemed so distraught, not over her marriage being over, but because her credit rating now stunk, and with her needing a new vehicle to get to work, she didn't know what she would do?
She called last week to say that she is sure she is getting a car now, thanks to a great company called Drive Time. This is a company located in Phoenix (and around Arizona) that offers their own financing and is geared towards people with less than wonderful credit.
She said this was like a godsend for her, when she found them, they offer competitive rates and she took the instant online approval thing on their website, and as long as she has a job that they can verify, she will qualify!! How great does that sound?? I am so happy for her!! She really needs this car, and it is nice to know that there are some dealers out there who will help someone out, even if their credit rating isn't good. This was not her fault, so to be penalized by every lender who thinks she is a credit risk, is just not fair. Thank goodness she found DriveTime, and it seems like it was just in the nick of time too!!
Till Next Time,
Take Care,
Oh my gosh! Now my washing machine has gone on the fritz. This has not been a good year for me, let me tell you. First it was the broken heater, then the computer that had to be replaced, lots of small things in between and now it is the washing machine!
Now I have to go look at washing machines this weekend to try to replace this broken one. I am going to do a lot of comparison shopping, but something tells me that I might find the best deal at Sam's Club, as usual. They have some gorgeous front load washers, and they are reasonably priced. I know because I have looked at them before when I was just dreaming about a new washer and didn't actually need one. A sort of window shopping, put it on the wish list kind of thing. But now, I really need to get one. I love the one I posted a picture of above, mostly because it is my favorite color of red, and also because it is a front loader, and I have never had that before. I still have the old fashioned lid that opens on the top thing. This one looks so much more stylish, don't you think?
I also have to consider space when I am getting my new washer and might have to go with one of those compact washing machines. I don't have a big house, and have thought about getting an apartment sized set to try to save space. I will have to look around, like I said, and weigh all the options first.
Oh well,
Till Next Time,
Take care,
Counting down to Friday for the release here locally for the New Moon movie in the Twilight Saga. I have already bought our tickets for Friday night's show, so we are all set to go!!
Here is a video of a New Moon Premiere and the interviews done by My Space....
It's pretty good, and you get some different answers than are in most interviews....
The Twilight Saga New Moon Red Carpet Premiere
Hope you enjoyed this.........
Till Next Time,
Take care,